Lakewood Sale – June 29-30!
Sat-Sun, June 29-30, 9am-4pm
Lakewood Township 5384 Jean Duluth Rd.
Great Sale!
Big railroad bell with harp, General Store scale, marine photography equipment and dark room equipment, original moose painting, crocks, iron rolling plant stand/tea cart, nice wall clock, firearms
Honda Fourtrax 4×4 with plow, Trailer, lawn mower, lawn & garden, spreader, tiller, Snapper snowblower, Craftsman cart, BBQ, deck furniture, yard decor, live trap, loads of tools – skill saw, miter saw, grinder, huge vice, work bench, shelving, jacks, chains, concrete mixer, pump, sporting goods (hunting, fishing, golfing), Subaru ski carrier, dehumidifier, old brass/glass hanging lantern, old clothesline, bird bath, feeders and bird houses, lots of miscellaneous household and garage items!
Nice furniture including huge antique claw-foot dining table, dining chairs, English rope design oak chair, antique round oak dining table, antique buffet, antique desk, wood stools, loveseat, media center, daybed, loft twin bed (Ikea, white metal with mattress), queen bed, storage, chairs. Plus rugs, antique glassware, china, silver plate, lamps, plants, plant stands and lots more! Nice front-loading washer and dryer
and lots more!
Check back for more pics and updates!