Two Harbors Voyageurs Sale Oct.13-14
Huge Estate/Moving Sale in Two Harbors!
Sat-Sun, October 13-14, 9am – 4pm
207 South Ave., Two Harbors
Former Owner of Great Lakes Fur Trade Museum
Please check back for updates and photos!
Loads of unique and mirthful items, including fur trade related items, a hand-carved whirligig Northwest Company canoe, museum showcase, green peddle car tractor, Mercury 5hp outboard motor, local history, maps, books, old paper, music, beaver and sled dog related items, beading including Bovis glass beads, beautiful beaded Mukluks and beaded mocassins, beaded gun case, Voyageur reenactment clothing/fabric/patterns, trade items and tools, old iron tools, tool/firearms info, knives, rosemaled gun rack, wood settee and matching rocker and chair, Carl Larsson prints, Mountie prints/calendars, old paintings, old west items, Native lore, butter churn, coffee grinder, pitchers, Bennington stoneware, McCoy, antique tea cups and glassware, old doll with red trunk and clothing, old tambourine, old trunk, 4-drawer oak file cabinet, large oak frame, scrapbooks, old photos, bird collection, carvings, Hudson and other blankets, old toys like cap guns, baseball mitts and whistles, rocks, jewelry, antique glassware & tea cups, Scandinavian glass, paintings, Shirley Temple doll with case/clothes, old sewing box, sewing machines, lighting/oil lamps, decor, lots of interesting items.
Furniture includes rocker, recliner, teacher’s desk, vanity, piano, nice electric fireplace, laminate and wood kitchen tables and chairs, desk, storage units, book shelves, queen bed.
Plus lots of household items…kitchen, linens, tools, toys, large library of local interest, history, Christian and antiques books, Christmas, really nice Christmas tree, gift items, office supplies, garden, yard decor, plants and women’s clothing/accessories.

Don’t miss this sale!